Current Works

Sound: Benoit Granier
Ribbon, magnetic sensor, wooden box, ink painting (doubling as a speaker membrane), motors, LEDs, sound module, aluminum and microprocessor.
Eri, After Dark uses micro-processing to integrate music, visuals and performance for narrative effect. Inspired by and made for Benoit Granier’s musical composition Eri, the piece broadcasts an interlude from Benoit Granier’s opera Eri, After Dark through an ink painting that doubles as a speaker membrane. Both Sherman and Granier’s works are based on Haruki Murakami novel of the same title, focusing on the life of Murakami’s fictional sisters Mari and Eri, living in Tokyo, where Eri is lost between two worlds – the real one she is trying to escape and the fantasy one, where she is imprisoned within a television, waiting for her sister to retrieve her. The piece first ‘performed’ as part of a live, electro-acoustic concert at the Beijing Conservatory in February 2012.